søndag 22. mars 2009

St. Patrick's Day

Mye gront, men poteter og gulerotter :D
Nam nam nam.. Jeg skrelte til og med ALLE potetene og gulerottene.
Vi hadde rundt 20 gjester og mat og kaker i botter og spann :D

Prom is coming up :)

My Prom Dress

søndag 15. mars 2009

Ahh, deilig med 15 grader og sol. UTEN SNO <3

torsdag 12. mars 2009

Hei hei :)
Sitter her vettaskremt for at jeg har lagt paa meg. Noe jeg har!
Ikke mye, men jeg maa gjore noen endringer her. Naa har jeg ikke
trent paa en stund, men naar man ikke har bil og trenings-senteret
er 20 min unna, saa er det ikke saa lett aa komme seg dit pa egenhaand.
Snart er det Prom da. Har ikke funnet kjole enda, men jeg tar det litt senere.

Den 27. mars reiser jeg til NY City i fire dager med EF. Det blir kjempe goy. Shopping og champagne! :-D
Ogsaa tenkte jeg at jeg skulle gjore dere ops paa at min informasjon til dere
om hva jeg driver med om dagen kommer til aa bli mindre og mindre. Jeg
Vil nemlig at dere skal ha noe aa sporre om naar jeg kommer hjem :P hehe

torsdag 5. mars 2009

creative writing #4

Tanka om jenter:
From ashes we rose
like flowers in God's garden
Seed, blossom , flower
We grow, we live and we learn
to become a rose with thorns

Creative Writing #3

Vi ble bedt om aa skrive om et rom som vi ikke hadde vaert i paa lang tid:

The door is closed. The sign says: "Benedicte's room. Please leave it the same condition you want to find it". The sign is made on my step-dad's computer and it has a horse on it. I remember how much I loved horses when I was younger. When I opened the door I'm met with cold air filled with dust. It's smells so new, but at the same time so forgotten. the walls are yellow but covered in posters and pictures of horses and the Backstreet Boys. In the left corner I find my bed, the one I got when I was .. I believe 6 or maybe seven. When I sit down I can feel the springs in the matress, I can hardly understand how I survived multiple nights in this worn-out bed. Looking over my head as I lay down I see my nightlamp. God, I worked so hard to get it up.
The room is cold and alone but my fuzzy teddybears keep me company. I know they miss the time when I wispered secret words in their ears that mad them come to life. Walking into my room is like walking into a time-machine. everything is the same way I left it when I was thirteen. I remember when this was my home, the place i wanted to come home to after school. Play in the backyard and climb as high as I could in the trees. Now I come here only a couple times a year. It some how feels empty now. Like the dreams I made here dissappeared as I grew older. But I know they're still there. I just have to dig them back into the daylight.
The brightly colored walls and the window that let the sun shine on my face reminds me of times I would wake up and smile. This is the room I shared with my sister, the room where I threw tmy shoe at my sister and where we listened to the Backstreet Boys until we fell asleep. My room.

Creative Writing #2

The sun was shining on her face, giving her a bright yellow collor on her wrinkley skin. The light , fresh summer air was had a scent of wild berries and put a smile on her face. A smile which turned into a laugh. a childish laugh which made me realize how young she must feel inside. You could see her laugh lines dance by her sparkling eyes. she was a candle ready to burn out.
Rain came down one morning on the train station. It was the autum rain bringing darkness. More and more, hour by hour. The train was gone, it had left before I could even rush to get ready for it. But somehow I knew that soon there would be another one there for me. I would not frown as I entered the train then, no sunken eyes. My stiff body would warm up when I hold hands with my rose again.

tirsdag 3. mars 2009

Creative Writing #1

A paper pure white
thin lines of black makes it grey
nothing white is pure enough
everything has flaws, little
A wrinkle can be hidden.

søndag 1. mars 2009

En ny mnd..

Og enda en hockey kamp. Jeg maa bare si at det er bare saa moro :) Dette er virkrlig underholdning. Slossing og action paa isen er bedre enn en gjeng gale menn som loper etter en rund ball. Spesielt naar d ebegynner aa grine naar de blir sparket i skinnleggen, hvor de ogsaa har legg beskyttelse. Hehe, neida skal ikke domme andre, men jeg har funnet sporten min. Endelig!